Our sole purpose is to protect the environment

The company at a glance

Appliances Recycling S.A. is a Collective System for the Alternative Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), and is an organization approved by the Hellenic Recycling Organization.

The object of the company is to organize the collection, transport, temporary storage, separation and treatment of WEEE and their components, with the ultimate goal being the removal of substances which are hazardous for the environment and the reintegration of usable materials as raw material in the production of new products.

Years of activity
Partner companies / Producers
collection points
0 +
Collaborating Management Units Nationwide
Sustanability Report
Financial data - Resources & Shareholder Structure
WEEE treatment
Cooperation with International Associations

Our people

The company is staffed with competent and specialized human resources and employs 35 workers, who are allocated among the following departments:

The partners of Appliances Recycling S.A. employ more than 1,000 workers of all specialties in transport companies, collection partners and treatment facilities.

Η Εταιρεία

One company. Integrated Appliance Recycling Services

Appliances Recycling S.A. has created and developed the required infrastructure and partnerships for the collection and treatment of WEEE. The company ensures that all the activities of collecting, transporting, temporarily storing and treating the waste are performed in an environmentally proper manner within the system’s institutional network of partners.

Description of WEEE Treatment

Partnering Management Units

We stand by your side
with important partnerships

Appliances Recycling S.A. cooperates nationwide with 13 licensed and certified WEEE management facilities, which treat WEEE or prepare them for reuse.

Treatment facilities (except refrigerators, lamps & toner & inkjet cartridges)

Treatment facility for refrigerators

Treatment facility for lamps

Toner & inkjet cartridges’ treatment & preparing for reuse facility

WEEE sorting & preparing for reuse facility

Geographical distribution
Η Εταιρεία

Our footprint

Our 20-year-long
contribution in numbers

Η Εταιρεία

Collection Details
Recoverable materials
Hazardous substances