Our Services

Recycling of Fixed Equipment of Businesses-Organizations

Appliances Recycling S.A. undertakes the proper recycling of fixed electrical and electronic equipment of any kind of business. We provide you with all the necessary means of collection without any financial burden, as well as a Certificate of Receipt after the delivery of the appliances to our System. The Certificate of Receipt issued certifies the management of WEEE in accordance with the provisions of Joint Ministerial Decision no 23615/2014 (Government Official Gazette 1184B) and completely ensures their proper final disposal. For more information contact us, at info@electrocycle.gr

Tourist and Hospitality Units

Appliances Recycling S.A. is the body you can address for the environmentally proper treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment, as many hotel units are already doing, when disposing of air conditioners, televisions, white appliances, IT equipment, lamps, lighting, toner/inks, etc. For more information contact us, at info@electrocycle.gr

Mass Catering Businesses

Contact Appliances Recycling S.A. for the correct disposal of electrical and electronic equipment waste. We receive your professional equipment, such as coffee machines, cookers, kitchen systems, refrigerators/freezers, cashboxes, etc. and issue the Certificate of Receipt. For more information contact us, at info@electrocycle.gr

Health Units

Contact Appliances Recycling S.A. if you wish the correct disposal of electrical and electronic equipment waste. We receive devices such as medical – technological equipment photocopiers, IT equipment, lighting, lamps , and we issue the Certificate of Receipt. For more information contact us, at info@electrocycle.gr

Educational institutions

In addition to recycling the fixed equipment of educational institutions, Appliances Recycling S.A. also cooperates with them by providing special recycling bins for small appliances, lamps, toner and ink cartridges For more information contact us, at info@electrocycle.gr

Create a collection point in your business

As part of your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, you can also contribute to the action of Appliances Recycling S.A. by placing collection bins for small appliances, light bulbs and toner and ink cartridges in your business. To join our action, contact us at info@electrocycle.gr
που ανακυκλωνω ηλεκτρικές συσκευές

Recycle it, with a Click

Appliances Recycling S.A. in collaboration with ACS Postal Services brings recycling to your home!

Do you have an old small electronic device you want to recycle?

Arrange an appointment with ACS for free home pick-up.

Collection Partnership Agreements

For the collection of EEE items, Appliances Recycling S.A. cooperates with Municipalities, electrical and electronic stores, scrap metal dealers, businesses and organizations.

Greece is administratively divided in 332 Municipalities. In Appliances Recycling S.A. we contract with 285 Municipalities directly or through agents, covering almost 10,000,000 people.

Municipalities are responsible for the collection of electrical appliances by collecting the appliances from the entrance of your home, on the ground floor. Please contact the cleaning service of your Municipality for the day and time of collection. Otherwise, it is likely that they are collected by people not assigned with this task, without the necessary training, which has harmful consequences for the environment and man.

Ανακύκλωση συσκευών - εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και προστασία του περιβάλλοντος
Collection from

The receipt concerns large devices over 30 kg or 5 pieces of small devices/lamps. Removal costs, special needs such as a lift or conversions to remove from the site are not covered.

For the Municipalities of Agia Paraskevi, Maroussi, Acharnes, Vrilissia, Galatsi, Dionysos, Heraklion, Kifissia, Lykovrysi-Pefki, Metamorfosi, Nea Ionia, Papagou-Cholargos, Paiania, Pallini, Penteli-Melissia, Philadelphia, Filothei-Psychiko, Chalandri and Chalkidona.
For Attica:
Best Planet Recycle 210-6144485 – 6946562527 https://www.bestplanet.gr/ Faidra 210-4001610 https://www.phaedra.gr/
Free Recycle 2108064402 – 697450116 https://www.free-recycle.gr/ Municipality of Athens 210-3402514
If you are in Thessaloniki, you can contact:
Eco Greece
2314017202 – 6945121511  (all municipalities)
Municipality of Thessaloniki
2310512085 (only within the boundaries of the Municipality of Thessaloniki)
For the rest of Greece, contact electrical and electronic stores in your area or your Municipality.

Information and Awareness

Ανακύκλωση συσκευών - εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και προστασία του περιβάλλοντος
Η Ανακύκλωση Συσκευών Α.Ε. στο πλαίσιο ενημέρωσης και ευαισθητοποίησης των πολιτών, διοργανώνει εκπαιδευτικά σεμινάρια σε σχολεία, σε τάξεις από Γ΄ Δημοτικού έως Α΄Λυκείου.

Αν θέλετε να συμμετάσχετε και εσείς επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας, στο
Ανακύκλωση συσκευών - εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας και προστασία του περιβάλλοντος
Staff training and seminars
Η Ανακύκλωση Συσκευών Α.Ε. στο πλαίσιο ενημέρωσης και ευαισθητοποίησης των πολιτών, διοργανώνει ημερίδες σε εταιρείες αλλά και εκπαίδευση του προσωπικού τους.

Αν θέλετε να συμμετάσχετε και εσείς επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας, στο

In the context of informing citizens and raising their awareness, Appliances Recycling S.A. organizes educational seminars in schools, in classes from 3rd Grade of Primary School to 1st Grade of High School.

If you want to participate too, contact us at


In the context of informing citizens and raising their awareness, Appliances Recycling S.A. organizes seminars in companies as well as training of their staff.

If you want to participate too, contact us at
