Financial Data - Resources &
Shareholder Composition
Shareholder structure
Ten (10) of the largest companies from all branches of electrical and electronic equipment participate in Appliances Recycling S.A. with an equity capital.

Financial resources
The financial resources of the company stem from the contributions of contracted companies that produce, import and resell electrical and electronic equipment. By participating in Appliances Recycling S.A., these companies abide by their obligations concerning the alternative management of WEEE based on European and Greek law. It is a private, non-profit company. The profit of use is not distributed; it is rather transformed into a reserve, which is mandatorily used to cover potential losses of future uses (Law 3220/2004, article 5), to enable the system to continue recycling WEEE.
Organizational structure
The company is staffed with competent and specialized human resources. It employs 35 employees, who are distributed among the following departments: Commercial (Production, Collection, Communication & Marketing), Operations (Environmental Management, Logistics), Finance (Accounting, Human Resources). There is also a Legal Department, a Total Quality Management and a Digital Transformation Department. The partners of Appliances Recycling S.A. form a total of more than 1,000 employees of all specialties, ranging from transport companies to collection partners and treatment units.